In the realm of SEO, 2017 was a bustling year in terms of stricter rules for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and an increase in voice search. In 2018, there have been some more exciting developments that you can adapt to stay ahead of your competitors. Keep reading to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO services. …
Search engine optimization needs to be an ongoing effort to perk up your website’s organic search ranking and look for new avenues in order to create content that expand your reach in the most meaningful ways. Must you be amazed at the thought of Free traffic? Who doesn’t wish for that? Everybody does! There are …
“The sitemap is the form of an XML file that represents the content of a website such as URLs in a webpage, along with an extra information (metadata) like when the site was last updated and how essential the links are compared to other links on the website. This gives more information to web search …
Those of you who are familiar with the acronym SEO better known as Search Engine Optimization would be familiar with the phrase Google Webmaster Tools AKA Google Search Console. This tool is very essential for so many people who use the internet to generate revenue. Web designers, webmasters, business owners and SEO’s are all avid …
Since the number of internet users is rising day by day and also many different counties are providing internet at the most cheapest rates ever possible; this is giving rise to the increase in the number of internet users from all around the world. Since peoples are more online nowadays therefore it is helping in …